Bucks County Father Michael Valliere Plans His Second Climb of Mt. Kilimanjaro, But This Time with His Son


Michael Valliere and son Pierce
Image via Michael Valliere.
Michael Valliere and his son, Pierce, are planning on trekking Mt. Kilimanjaro.

Michael Valliere, a Bucks County father, is preparing for his second trek up Mt. Kilimanjaro, and this time he plans to take his 12-year-old son, Pierce, with him, writes Damon C. Williams for the Bucks County Courier Times.

When he first reached the summit of Africa’s tallest mountain over a decade ago, Valliere did not imagine he would ever again attempt a hike like that. But after watching his son grow and face certain hardships, he decided to do it again with the boy so they could share that joint experience.

The duo will attempt to summit Mt. Kilimanjaro next month. Valliere hopes this adventure will help the two strengthen their father-son bond as well as empower his son with an amazing accomplishment.

“Pierce has anxiety, and growing up I have seen him struggle with confidence issues,” he said. “My hope for Pierce is that if he can get to the top he will have a lifelong memory with dad and it will alter his self-image to a higher status within and give him more confidence as he enters the challenging teenage years.”

Read more about Michael Valliere and his son’s journey in the Bucks County Courier Times.

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