Police Suspect Fowl Play After Bird Feeders Found Poisoned at Warminster Park


Image via Bucks County Audubon Society.
Police are looking into the incident and who could be behind it.

Over a dozen dead birds were discovered over the weekend in Warminster Community Park at multiple feedings stations, according to the township officials, writes Michael Tanenbaum for the Philly Voice.

The police suspect that the feeders, which were first spotted near the former Naval Air Defense Command tower along Bristol Road early on Saturday, had been poisoned.

Officials said that bands consistent with homing pigeons were found on the feathers of the birds. The bird remains were cleaned up by animal control officers.

The poison that is suspected to have been introduced into the feeders is dangerous both to birds and humans, said police. The substance has been sent to a lab to be officially identified.

Additionally, to determine their causes of death, dead birds have been sent out for necropsies, said a Pennsylvania SPCA spokesperson. The organization is assisting in the investigation that is being conducted by Warminster police and animal control.

The authorities posted a picture of the feeders that have been taken out from Warminster Community Park on Saturday and advised the public not to touch similar feeders if they run into any in the area.

Read more about the poisonings in the Philly Voice.


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