Ultimate Encroachment Call: Bristol Youth Football Team Flagged for Use of Practice Field


man at field
Image via FOX29 Philadelphia.
Bristol Borough Wildcats Athletic Association President Christopher Chapman.

The Bristol Borough Council has thrown a penalty flag at the Wildcats, its youth football team. The call? Encroaching on the high school’s field to practice. FOX29 Philadelphia suited up to report the details.

The council has revised the guidelines of its recreation program under which the football team operates. Citing safety concerns about parking, bike path access, and the condition of the field, the organization is tightening rules about players on the squad.

In short, they seek to ensure that teammates hail from Bristol Borough itself.

Without a sufficient number of young residents suiting up as Wildcats, the borough will subject the team to fees associated with use of the high school turf.

Bristol Borough Wildcats Athletic Association President Christopher Chapman feels some claim to the real estate, having investing funds and time in its upkeep.

“For six years we spent our own money and just seeded it. Threw it everywhere. They would cut it and never [have] any problems. Until this year,” he said. 

A recent borough council meeting was well attended by parents seeking answers. The atmosphere turned testy when Borough President Ralph DiGuiseppe accused Chapman of launching an inaccurate social media campaign to further his cause.

More on the future real estate usable by the Wildcats is at FOX29 Philadelphia.

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