Rebuilding Together Philadelphia Has Repaired and Upgraded Over 2,000 Homes in the Region


Workers, representatives, and volunteers outside newly-repaired homes
Image via Facebook, Rebuild Together Philadelphia.
Rebuild Together Philadelphia was founded in 1989, seeks out owner-occupied homes in economically challenged neighborhoods to repair their homes.

Rebuilding Together Philadelphia is a nonprofit that partners with grassroots organizations to identify blocks and residents who would be likely participants in the free home-improvement program.

Since it was founded in 1989, RTP has assisted 2,100 homeowners throughout the region, writes Kevin Riordan for The Philadelphia Inquirer

The nonprofit seeks out owner-occupied homes in economically challenged neighborhoods, mostly in North and West Philadelphia

After it confirms the owners have clear titles to their properties, licensed contractors upgrade electrical and other essential systems, while trained professionals supervise volunteers while they install new flooring, modernize kitchens, and replace windows where necessary.

“We’re making Philadelphia homeowners safer and healthier,” said Matt Guinan, an RTP board member and volunteer. 

According to RTP officials, a typical upgrade costs $15,000 and is intended to  enable owners on low or fixed incomes to remain in homes they might otherwise be forced to leave due to mobility issues, fires, chronic leaks, or gentrification.

“Home ownership is foundational to wealth, and to generational wealth,” said RTP President Stefanie F. Seldin.

Two recent studies suggest neighborhood renovations may be a factor in reducing crime, as well. 

Read more about how Rebuilding Together Philadelphia is helping local families stay in their homes at The Philadelphia Inquirer


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