Get Your Reading On With These Recommendations from Bucks County Free Library
Staff at seven branches of Bucks County Free Library have once again assembled a great lineup of recommendations of recently published books for you to enjoy reading or listening to during the holidays and beyond.
Adult Fiction
‘He Who Drowned the World ‘ by Shelley Parker-Chan tells the story of Zhu Yuanzhang, the Radiant King, who just helped tear southern China from its masters. Riding high on that victory, she now wants to seize the throne and crown herself emperor.
‘The Unfortunates‘ by J. K. Chukwu is a masterful debut that follows a queer, half-Nigerian college sophomore who sets out to find out what happened to a subset of Black undergrads who have been mysteriously dying.
‘Fourth Wing‘ by Rebecca Yarros takes you into the brutal and elite world of a war college for dragon riders.
Adult Non-fiction
‘Above Ground‘ by Clint Smith is a sweet and joyful poetry collection about fatherhood.
‘Cake: A Slice of British Life‘ by Andrew Baker offers a glimpse into the history of cake in Britain.
‘The Art Thief’ by Michael Finkel is a fascinating story about the world’s most prolific art thief.
See many more recommendations at Bucks County Free Library.
Bestselling author Rebecca Yarros talk dragons, romance and FOURTH WING!
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