‘Historic Bristol Day’ Returning to Bucks County This Fall. Read to Learn All the Details


The "Bristol" sign at the Bristol Wharf waterfront
Image via Historic Bristol Day.
The Bristol Township Planning Commission is endorsing a new townhome development in the Croydon section of the township.

A popular community event is returning to Bucks County, offering community fun and engaging activities for everyone.

The 47th Historic Bristol Day is scheduled to be held on Oct. 21 from 10 AM – 4 PM. Members of the community and visitors to the area can enjoy a wide array of vendors, house tours, art, and fun activities like an archealogical dig, an antique boat display, and a car show.

The main organizers of the event are the Bristol Cultural and Historicial Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving over 330 years of Bristol’s history and increasing cultural opportunities for all residents of the community.

“We promote historical reference through educational programs,” the Bristol Cultural and Historicial Foundation said online. 

“We conduct tours, which attract visitors to our community. Our officers and members participate in programs that promote Bristol Borough such as the Archive and the Oral History project. We provide scholarships to local students and help to sponsor the Writer’s Voice Program.”

Learn more at the Bristol Cultural and Historical Foundation.


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