‘Desperately Seeking Susan’ Director Coming to Bucks County Theater for Q&A


Image via The County Theater.
Local theaters such as County Theater in Doylestown are thriving, thanks to last summer’s ‘Barbenheimer’ phenomenon.

A popular theater in Bucks County will be hosting a local filmmaker who gave a major pop star her first on-screen moment.

The County Theater, located at 20 East State Street in Doylestown, will be hosting director Susan Seidelman, who directed the 1985 hit film “Desperately Seeking Susan” on Aug. 10. The movie will be shown and Seidelman will be in attendance for a question and answer session.

“This ’80s take on screwball comedy stars Madonna in her first movie role!” the theater said online.

Rosanna Arquette plays a bored housewife who fills her days reading the personal ads, where she follows the romance between bohemian lovers Jim & Susan. Consumed with curiosity, she hops on a train to the city to witness the couple’s planned rendezvous.”

The theater is a popular fixture in the town, as it regularly shows new films, art films, and classics that are even better on the big screen.

Tickets for the event can be found here.

Learn more at The County Theater.


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