New Bookshop, Bindery in Bristol Is a Dream Come True for Its Owner


Image via Bristol Books and Bindery.
The new bookshop opened on a popular street in Bucks County.

Mill Street in Bristol is a street of dreams for entrepreneurs, and the latest just opened its newest addition, Bristol Books & Bindery. JD Mullane wrote about the new shop for Philly Burbs.

Elaine Powers is a rookie entrepreneur who knows she is facing a fragile and inflationary economy.

“It’s a risk my family took,” she said.

However, she is confident that her investment in 129 Mill Street at the top of Bristol’s old business district, will pay off.

Powers bought the property on an impulse after seeing it was for sale during a car ride with her family in 2020, in the heat of the pandemic. The price of $470,000 was too good to pass up.

Deciding what to do with the space was harder. After a lot of consideration, she decided on a bookstore with some additions.

“If I can incorporate similar facets of the same business model, without losing focus on books, it should be good,” she said.

Now, she is trying to figure out what readers in Lower Bucks County want.

“Learning what people in the market want to read, yeah, that’s on a curve right now,” she said.

Read more about Bristol Books & Bindery in Philly Burbs.


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