If Fall’s Chill Is Driving the Kids Indoors — And That’s Driving You Nuts — Head to the Bucks County Children’s Museum


kids in a play store
Image via the Bucks County Children's Museum at Facebook.
The Weiss General Store is fun both for cashiers and customers.

The Bucks County Children’s Museum in New Hope was hit with a double whammy. First, the pandemic closed its doors. Then, Hurricane Ida caused it to go dark for a while. But it’s back now, reports Kelsey Fabian for PHL17.

Kelly Krumenacker, Executive Director, explained the museum’s intent: “Our mission here is to connect all children to the world around them and to inspire learning by play.”

For children often told “no touch” around heirloom keepsakes in the house, the museum is hands on.

Activities include fossil hunting, where kids use an LED light pen to find Bucks County fossils and artifacts hidden in the special secret circles of light.

The Weiss General Store is very popular, as is a kid-friendly hospital exhibit, sponsored by Doylestown Health.

“It kind of demystifies the whole hospital visitation experience for kids,” said Krumenacker. “We have x-rays; we have an ambulance; we have a heart monitor…”

Center to the hospital is an operating table, but this one is fun. It’s an oversized version of the Milton Bradley board game, where kids can perform procedures on patient Cavity Sam.

The museum is also family friendly when it comes to pricing.

Admission is $8 for guests one and up, and several discounts are available.

More information on the Bucks County Children’s Museum is at PHL17.

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