Protect Your Data This National Data Privacy Day


keyboard with the word "phishing"
Image via Penn Community Bank.
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Each year on Jan. 28, National Data Privacy Day serves as a reminder for consumers and companies to assess and enhance their privacy measures.

From social interactions to bank transactions, your personal data is more valuable than ever. With even the smallest bit of data, criminals can drain your bank accounts or even steal your identity.

To protect your data privacy, we here at Penn Community Bank have compiled some quick tips.

Enable Two-Factor Authentication

This is a security feature for a device or an account that requires two separate forms of identification in order to access it. Enable this feature whenever possible for an added layer of security.

Review Your Privacy Settings

Check the settings of all your online accounts, like social media and shopping platforms. Ensure you’re aware of, and comfortable with, the amount of personal information being shared. Default settings are usually set up to gather as much information as possible before you notice.

Be Aware of Phishing Attempts

Be skeptical of unsolicited messages, and avoid clicking on suspicious links. If you don’t recognize the sender and the subject line seems too good to be true, it probably is.

Do Regular Software Updates

Typically, software updates contain improved privacy and security methods and patch detected security flaws. Technology and hackers are constantly evolving, so you need to be, too.

Avoid Public Wi-Fi

Logging onto public wi-fi can be tempting, but know that scammers and hackers have increased access to this open network. If you do use public wi-fi, consider using a virtual private network (VPN) to encrypt your internet connection and safeguard your personal data.

Clean Your Cookies

By cleaning out the cookies from your browser, you will remove data from your device that advertisers have gathered on you. This action also alleviates the security risk of your information being hijacked.

Remember, protecting your financial information is a collaborative effort. While our team works to ensure a secure banking environment, we encourage you to take an active role in securing your finances by staying informed and vigilant. For more information on data privacy, please visit

Learn more about enhancing your online privacy and how Penn Community Bank holds over $2.7 billion in assets, employs more than 300 people, and offers banking and lending services at financial centers throughout Bucks and Montgomery counties.

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