Rebuild Continues Three Years After Tornado Destroyed Children’s Village at Doylestown Hospital


Emergency units outside of a hospital
Image via Bucks County Government.
Over the last three years, significant progress has been made on rebuilding the Children’s Village thanks to ongoing fundraising efforts.

Three years after a tornado destroyed the Children’s Village at Doylestown Hospital, the reconstruction of the daycare is still taking place, reports Deanna Durante for NBC10 Philadelphia.

Children had just gone back to their classrooms and were hiding under tables and in closets when the storm shattered windows and dropped the ceiling onto the ground.

“Someone had told us in the pharmacy that some people were going over because a tree fell,” recalled Jamie Martins, who was working at the Doylestown Hospital on Aug. 4, 2020, while her son was inside his classroom.

And while it was much worse than a tree, luckily, thankfully nobody was hurt.

Over the last three years, significant progress has been made on rebuilding the Children’s Village thanks to ongoing fundraising efforts. The building is on the road to coming back bigger and safer than before – thanks in part to newly added safe rooms.

“It is designed to weather anything Mother Nature can bring at it,” said Jim Brexler, the CEO of Doylestown Health.

While the work is still being done on the building, the school is set to reopen on Sept. 1.

Watch the entire segment at NBC10 Philadelphia.


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