Covered Bridge Artisans Studio Tour Trades Its Fall Umber and Russet for Spring Saffron and Aqua
For 27 years, Bucks County’s Covered Bridge Artisans Studio Tour has been a Thanksgiving-weekend staple. This year, however, it’s jumping back seven months to the weekend of Apr. 30 to May 1. The new timeline was covered by
The self-guided driving tour comprises more than 20 artists straddling the Delaware in New Hope, Pa., and Stockton, N.J.
The spring timeframe was chosen as an opportunity to showcase work reflecting vibrant vernal colors in contrast with the more muted hues of autumn.
The tours began 28 years ago, when six area artists sought a way for the public to establish direct relationships with active creators. It sparked discussions of works in progress, new commissions, and sales.
The participating creatives work in media that go beyond paintings of covered bridges. Their displays will include finely crafted examples of glass, jewelry, ceramics, photography, cast bronze, painting, weaving, woodworking, and quilting.
A complete list of who showing what where (including 14 artists gathered at the Sergeantsville Firehouse’s Event Center in Stockton) is at
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