Prominent Local Wealth Advisor Dispels Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Myths at Today’s NoonZOOM (Oct 21)
What is Bitcoin and how does it work? Is it backed by anything of value? What real-world usage does it have?
Break through the myths and confusion of Bitcoin and gain a deeper understanding of cryptocurrencies on Thursday, Oct. 21 from 12-1 PM, when American Community Journals hosts a lunchtime NoonZOOM webinar entitled “Dispelling Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Myths.”
The ‘Dispelling Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Myths’ webinar is the first in a series of informal noontime sessions we’re calling NoonZOOMs,” said Ken Knickerbocker, President of American Community Journals. “Each NoonZOOM session will be a 45- to 60-minute interesting and insightful dive into issues and topics suburban Philadelphia professionals want to know more about.”
Bitcoin is arguably the most popular type of cryptocurrency, which is digital currency encrypted with a form of protection known as cryptography that ensures it cannot be stolen or fabricated like cash or credit cards. Bitcoin is just one of more than 10,000 types of cryptocurrencies, and people have made fortunes off it.
However, there are plenty of experts who believe that it’s just a fad with no long-term investment viability.
Fred Hubler, the Chief Wealth Strategist of Phoenixville-based Creative Capital Wealth Management Group, will sort through seven myths about Bitcoin, including:
- Bitcoin is a bubble and buying it is a big gamble.
- Bitcoin isn’t secure and has no real uses or value.
- Bitcoin will soon be replaced by another cryptocurrency.
- Bitcoin is bad for the environment.
An interactive Q&A will follow Hubler’s presentation.
Register early for this FREE NoonZOOM on Oct. 21 as space is limited.
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