Coyote Snatches Dog Belonging to Marple Woman’s Daughter

A coyote grabbed a tiny terrier in its jaws and ran away with it Thursday afternoon in a Marple backyard, writes Pete Bannan for the Daily Times.
A Marple woman witnessed the coyote snatch her daughter’s dog, according to a police incident report.
The incident happed at about 1:15 PM in the 200 block of Woodside Lane.
The woman had let the terrier out into the yard at which point the coyote grabbed the dog and ran off.
Traps were set by animal control.
Marple officials released an alert to residents following the incident, confirming coyote sightings in the area and offering tips from the Pennsylvania Gaming Commission on how to protect themselves and their pets.
There have also been reports of coyotes being trapped in the area of the Merion West golf course in Haverford Township.
Coyote sightings near residential areas are becoming more common. The animals have adapted to a wide variety of habitats in Pennsylvania and are usually found in heavily forested areas.
Coyotes are more active in the spring care for their young, searching for food and water.
Read more about what can be done to protect small pets and people from coyote attacks in the Daily Times.
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